At Spectris, we all have the choice to include our personal pronouns in our email signatures and we would like to explain why this is important to us.
Diversity and inclusion is essential to us and our businesses. Our customers look to us for dynamic innovation, broad thinking, and new perspectives. To achieve our full potential, we need people from different cultures, backgrounds and experiences to work across those differences. We are committed to the continued development of a diverse and inclusive culture across the Spectris Group which allows everyone the opportunity to participate, be heard, be valued, and feel empowered to fulfil their potential.
By having the choice to display our personal pronouns, we are signifying that we make no assumptions of gender identity, and we are aiming to create a safe environment for everyone to affirm their own identities, where everyone feels like they belong.
We also strive to keep learning and welcome any questions and thoughts regarding Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging. Please feel free to ask us more.